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No man's land / Graham Greene / Hesperus (2005)
Titre : No man's land Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Graham Greene, Auteur Editeur : Hesperus, 2005 Collection : Modern voices Description : 114 p. ISBN/ISSN : 1-84391-109-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Index. décimale : 420 Langue anglaise Résumé : Arriving in the Harz Mountains, within striking distance of the Iron Curtain, "civilian" Brown appears to be enjoying a small vacation. Yet one night, he crosses into the Russian zone, claiming to be drawn to a site of Catholic pilgrimage. His cover is not quite convincing enough, however, and he finds himself arrested and interrogated. Refusing to confess the real reason behind his visit, he gains an unexpected ally, and the two of them embark upon a hazardous plan to complete his mission and return to the West.
Nature du document : fiction Genre : roman Thème de fiction : espionnage/suspense Greene Graham. No man's land. Hesperus, 2005, 114 p. (Modern voices).
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